Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Random Files: Making Art

For the longest time, the walls of my house remained empty. Because while I do ok with the bones of the decor (and outfits, for that matter), it is the finishing details that stump me.

Same like how I have to remind myself to throw on that statement necklace, or those dangling earrings, putting up "useless-but-pretty" items around the house requires a conscious effort on my part.

I think art is a highly personal outlet.
While there are some who are perfectly happy just getting all their prints from IKEA or their local big-box store, I really can't. Random prints of flowers just doesn't appeal to me...unless they were flowers from my garden, or pictures taken by me.

But art can be expensive. 

And so here are some ideas that merges my interest in designer goods, photography and working with what you've got.

1) Take pictures of the products to be framed

Lets face it...Hermes boxes just send a shiver down my spine.

hermes box art photo IMG_4848_zps547b57e4.jpg

I can easily frame this shot and be happy looking at it hanging in the bathroom, or along a gallery wall

perfume box art photo IMG_4843_zpse988aa7f.jpg

And this mini deluxe sample of Miss Dior (a 100 point perk from Sephora) is super feminine and graceful.
Now, this would be a floral print that I can definitely get behind.

2) Using the actual box as art

 photo IMG_6329_zps90cb3526.jpg

The lid from the box that held my Hermes twilly is now framed and is residing as part of my living room gallery wall

For the upstairs hallway, I've cut up an oversized Chanel box that I don't use and framed it up, along with sketches of Chanel perfume bottles that I drew.

I don't recommend filling your entire house with designer logos by any means
(unless that is your jam, then hey, go for it)

But a few pieces here and there, or putting them up in areas that are less "public" gives my house a personal touch that also reflects my interest.

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